meeting of the minds
Annually, the US Soybean Research Collaborative hosts the Soybean Forum & Think Tank where we collaboratively work towards discussing and prioritizing needs, information and opportunities for future research. This event brings together players across the value chain including farmer leaders, public and private researchers, agribusiness professionals, and federal agency representatives. This diverse cross section of participants fosters a broad exchange of information and perspectives. And while no one is an expert at everything, collectively the comprehensive value chain view helps bridge the gap between soybean supply and demand.

2023 Event
The theme of the 2023 event was ‘Transparency and Traceability: Opportunities for Soy’ and the objective was to explore soybean research opportunities, potential solutions, and challenges in the traceability/transparency space. The goal was to help participants understand the initiatives surrounding traceability and transparency of various segments of the soybean industry/supply chain.
2022 Event
The theme of the 2022 event was ‘Moving from Opportunities to Innovation’ and the key goal was to examine soybean research opportunities and solutions that span the value chain – breaking down some of the traditional bins and silos between “production research” and “new uses research”. Four areas that addressed “new” or “emerging” opportunities for soybeans were discussed.
2021 Event
The inaugural Soybean Research Forum & Think Tank in August 2021 generated a lot of food for thought on production issues, communication across the value chain and improving collaboration across entities and disciplines.
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