We know the soybean industry and farming is changing. How do we stimulate research that will move the industry forward and propel US soybean growers to meet these challenges? This is the key goal of USSRC. While the soybean checkoff has had tremendous success over the last 30 years, we’ve grabbed a lot of the low hanging fruit, but farmers’ questions today are much more complicated than they were 30 years ago. It will take thinking about research differently to answer those questions and continue to drive the industry forward.
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Herbicide Resistance Demonstrates Need for Fresh Perspectives on Research
Dr. Kevin Bradley, state Extension weed scientist and professor in the Division of Plant Sciences at the University of Missouri, began his career in 2003,

Soybean Industry Rallies Around Novel Research Vision
Success can’t be left to chance. For U.S. soybean farmers to thrive, new, innovative and broad-scoped research must be coordinated with multiple partners up and